Normal Search in BIONDA

BIONDA is a biomarker database. The database consists of methods from text mining.
An algorithm compares entries from disease ontology (disease entity), UniProt (gene/protein) and mirBase (miRNA) with free accessible PubMed abstracts. BIONDA offers help to scientist and researchers for literature search.

Bionda Overview

The BIONDA search is text based. The welcome page offers the option to search for a Disease or a Biomarker, thereby it does not differ between miRNA or gene/protein biomarker. This can be selected in a drop/down field. The search option is sentence-based, this means biomarker and disease have to be in one sentence. A search term is entered in the free text field. The search starts by pressing the Enter key or by clicking on the Search button.

Bionda Overview

The welcome page also provide links to all contents of BIONDA and a link to the advanced search (for more information on the advanced search click here ). Also, due the emerging situation of Covid-19, BIONDA offers a fast search for Covid-19.

Bionda Overview

The result is a union query with all possible results including miRNA, gene/protein and sentence and abstract wise search.